Dear {Contact_First_Name},

A very Happy New Year to all our members, sponsors, friends and, of course, our families and dear loved ones!

This past year was just so fantastic, with so many new members: A very warm welcome to you who have just joined in!! Our meetings are ever so friendly, we have discovered hidden places in Brussels, exploded the bowling grounds in Waterloo, read books with the book club, had so popular birthday parties, and finally, not to forget our hundreds of pillows, sewed from scratch, for ladies in surgery.   Now, best of all was….our 75th Anniversary!

Our ambassador, Mickael Adler and wife Judith were such wonderful hosts in the so beautiful Brussels American Embassy with a great delicious buffet and remarkable guests coming from all over Belgium and the Netherlands. This was a once in a lifetime experience, a day that will be remembered for long.

And now, here is some great news. Don’t forget to keep in touch with your AWCB calendar event!! Please note two important dates: 

May 15th  to May 18th a springtime Normandy trip to the Val Richer. A unique experience in a privately owned historical home close to Deauville, Honfleur and many other remarkable towns. This is our second time at the Val Richer, the first one was such a success, we must go back! 

September 27th and 28th a weekend in Paris. I lived 25 years in Paris and cannot wait to show you the historical links between France and the US on the first day and luxurious Paris on the second day (Dior, Jaquemart André etc…) with a very special Saturday dinner on the exclusive restaurant on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower. So get your suitcases ready for a weekend to remember!!

Let me close by saying to each of you: “Thank you for making our club such a special one and best wishes for a fabulous 2025!”

Florence Jeannin 

President, AWCB

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”                                                        Eleanor Roosevelt


A year of Bowling with the AWCB! 

In 2024 our bowling tournament really took off, with the AWCB hosting 11 bowling nights in which 92 bowlers played in 184 games!  On the last Monday of each month, we’ve shared the joy of a lucky strike, the pain of a near miss, and laughed so much in between!

In addition to being a heck of a lot of fun, the bowling nights have raised nearly 500 euros for our Club this year.  The funds raised help to support all of the great charity work the Club is doing, so it’s a win-win all around. 

For 2025 our bowling enthusiasts are gearing up for even more fun, and hope to see many more members and guests at the alley! Come and join us, on the last Monday of every month, in Braine L’Alleud for a great night out and try your skills against your fellow members (if you can stand up for laughing!)!

PS. There has been some interest to hold a second bowling night in Brussels, so if you are interested in joining or hosting a Brussels bowling night, please email 

Relay for Life Weekend - Save the Date!

May 31st/June 1st 2025

What is Relay for Life? 

This is volunteer-led experience uniting the Waterloo communities to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost to cancer, and raise funds to improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support.

How does it function?

Cancer never sleeps. That is why the participants walk or run in a 24 hour relay to show their solidarity with all the Survivors, ensuring that at all times there is at least one team member walking or running the route. Note: Relay for Life is not a race. You participate in any way you can or want to.

How does it work?

At Waterloo’s Relay For Life event, you will find team tents set up around the track at the  Pachy Stadium. Teams are made up of around 12 people, taking turns walking or running around the track for a total of 24 hours starting Saturday at 12:00 pm and ending Sunday at noon.

How is AWCB involved?

Last year was our first experience with Relay for Life. The Hearts for Hope sewing group created a team and members signed up for walking and/or selling traditional American cookies, muffins, brownies. We contributed over 1,000 of the 58,000 euros raised during the 24 hour event.  Not bad for the first time!  

We will need your help for 2025 to be even better!

What can you find at Relay for Life?

Fifteen teams are assembled around the track. Each team offers a variety of options for enjoying your time. You will find a variety of activities to keep you entertained:  face painting, games for kids, different items to buy, a Tombola, drinks and food. It’s like going to a local fair. 

There is a central stage that hosts musical performances and other entertainment throughout the 24 hours.  It’s a real family fun event so bring along your friends and family to share the fun!  All proceeds go to the Cancer Foundation whose scientists are working diligently to find a cure for all cancers!

How can you support the Relay event and help AWCB?

  •   Sign up as a Hope for Hearts Team member
  •  Volunteer as a Co-coordinator
  •  Sponsor a team member by contributing funds online
  •   Sponsor items needed in the Survivor’s Lounge 

o Snacks

o   Desserts

o   Gift bags

o   Healthy drinks

o   Fruit

o   Decorations for the Team Tent

 Offer your talents: 

o   Musical

o   Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Line Dancing, Aerobic Dancing, Stand-up Comedy, Singing etc 

Spread the news about this event 

Pachy Stadium  in Waterloo (next to the Pool) from Noon Saturday May 31st to Noon Sunday June 1st

The AWCB team needs volunteers to:

  •  contribute baked goods
  • loan folding table and chairs
  • participate in the decorating of the tent
  • commit to walking or running on the track
  • sign up for an hour or two selling items at the team tent  
  • Help set up and decorate the Team Tent
  • Help take down Team tent

Relay For Life is more than a walk – it’s a chance to come together in your local community to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against every cancer as we come together for every life.

Interested in being a part of the Hearts for Hope Relay team?

Contact Melita Campaignolle at 0497 048742 

    Update from Lina's Project

    Lina’s Project, sponsoring summer activities for children living in poverty in Brussels, was a great success this year. The Project was able to sponsor activities for 56 children, the largest number since the project began, in 2017!  AWCB made this possible by covering almost 20 % of the total cost through a fundraiser luncheon held in June and also spontaneous donations made by members who were not able to attend that day. 

    Every year, Nativitas, the non-profit organization that puts the project into action, organizes a party in December, which brings together all the children who participated. What a joy to see all the happy faces!  How very humbling it is to realize the magnitude of the project, and to see how many children’s and parents’ lives have been affected in such a positive way! We couldn’t have done this without you! Thank you so much for your generosity! A very special thanks to AWCB member, Kelly Hogan, who volunteered to help out at the party! 

    Upcoming Events

    Selection of Special Upcoming Events 

    As the Club grows, so does our agenda!  As usual, we have a PACKED agenda to share with you!  All the details and booking info in the Events Agenda

    23rd January - Hearts for Hope 

    27th January -  AWCB Bowling Night 

    31st January - Cocktails & Diamonds at Tiffanys

    8th February - Hidden Brussels Tours of the European Parliament Quarter 

    11th February - Visit to the House of European History

    12th February - The American & Canadian Reading Group 

    15th February - Bright Brussels Festival & Jazz Evening

    22nd February - Evening Dinner at La Saison 9 

    Still want more?  Ok, so three other Events for you.  The next Members Quarterly Meeting will be held 25th February in All Saints Church, Waterloo.  As usual it will start with a Pot Luck Dinner, followed by an update from the Board in an informal setting.  And then as Florence mentioned we have two big trips planned!  Long weekend at the Val Richer in Normandy 15th to 18th May; then in September a weekend in Paris, focussing on both the historical support of France to the then young USA and then a luxury experience on day 2.  So keep 27th & 28th September free and join us in Paris!

    Make sure to check the club events calendar regularly for updates.  Please also send us event ideas via the Request an Event link on our website:  We always looking for volunteers to organize and host events, please let us know if you would like to get involved. An event can just be a visit to an art gallery, if you are planning to go, just let us know and we can enter it into the club calendar so other members can join you. 

    See all upcoming events

    Past Events Highlights 

    Life is Too Short to Drink Bad Wine

    Our club’s first “Life is Too Short to Drink Bad Wine” in a planned series was a success in mid December. Club members Cecile and Jessica guided members and guests through a selection of Burgundy wines. Cecile hosted in her lovely home and everyone enjoyed the convivial atmosphere! Stay tuned for our next wine tasting!

     Arp Special Exhibition at the Bozar

    Members attended an arts Special Exhibition at the Bozar in early January. They learned about the lifelong partnership in art and love between Sophie Tauber Arp and Hans Jean Arp. We plan to go back for more special exhibitions at the Bozar, which is convenient for many members in and outside of Brussels.

     Members Birthday Party Celebrations 

    The Members’ Birthday Party for November and December birthdays was hosted by Catharine Dhoop Freeman-Thomas in early December. Members enjoyed conversation, delicious potluck dinner, drinks, and birthday cake! Happy Birthday to our Members – we hold these events every few months for all our members and their guests to attend. Next one is February 1st

     Angel Tree Wrapping Party

    The Angel Tree Wrapping Party on November 28th was held at All Saints Church in Waterloo. Our club elves showed up ready to wrap! Our Angel Tree leader Melita excellently organized the wrapping event and members enjoyed the atmosphere of holiday giving followed by a lovely potluck lunch.

    Recipe Corner - What's cooking today? 

    Mushroom Brie Soup

    Its so cold outside, you need something to keep you warm and healthy.  What better than a bowl of Mushroom Brie Soup!

    • 2 onions, chopped
    • 1 garlic clove chopped
    • 4 tbsp (55g) butter
    • 12oz (340g) sliced mushrooms (peeled)
    • 1 ¼ tsp lemon juice
    • 2 tbsp flour
    • 1 quarter litre chicken broth
    • 1 cup (240ml) light cream
    • ½ cup (120ml) heavy cream
    • 1lb (450g) chopped brie (rindless)
    • 3 tbsp dry sherry
    • Salt & pepper

    Gently saute the onion and garlic in the butter.  Add the mushrooms and lemon juice and cook gently for 10 minutes.  Add the flour and cook a further 2 minutes then add the chicken broth.  Cook on a low setting until it thickens then add both creams and the brie; stir until the brie melts.  Stir in the sherry and add salt & pepper to taste.  Serve and enjoy! 

     AWCB Sponsors News 

    "Where attention goes, energy flows."

    Nature of MIND offers mindfulness-based retreats and coaching to support individuals in cultivating habits and beliefs that contribute to well-being. Founded in 2023 by Valerie Jennings, a Missouri native and Belgium transplant, Nature of MIND aspires to empower the international community in their individual journeys toward flourishing.  

    Interested to learn more? Visit or follow on Instagram

    In addition to group events, Valerie offers individual mindfulness-based coaching. Possible topics include: managing stress, bringing mindfulness into daily life, setting boundaries (at home or work), building health diet/exercise/sleep habits, overcoming procrastination or perfectionism and much more. New clients can take advantage of a special introductory package consisting of three, 45-minute sessions conducted via Zoom for only 100 euros. Details on the website.

    Upcoming events:

    Day Retreat – Nourish your mind, body and spirit with a day of self-care and connection.

    ·      Sunday, 2 February | Hove 

    ·      Sunday, 9 March | Hove

    ·      Sunday, 6 April | Hove

    ·      Sunday, 21 September | Hove

    ·      Sunday, 19 October | Hove

    ·      Sunday, 23 November | Hove

    Introduction to Mindfulness Course – Discover a brief taste of mindfulness practice and theory in a format intended to be accessible to all levels of experience.

    • Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19 | Online

    Weekend Retreat – "Rebel Love: Owning Worthiness in a World That Tells Us We're Not Enough." Through practices, reflections and discussions, we'll explore the works of Brene Brown ("The Gifts of Imperfection") and Kristen Neff ("Self-Compassion"). 

    ·      20-22 June 2025 | Lennik, BE

    Thank you to our AWCB Sponsors! 🙏 

    Your Logo Here?

    Click here to learn more:

    Our club needs a strong cash flow to support all of the social and philanthropical initiatives that we do.  If you know of a business that might want to become a sponsor of the AWCB, then let us know at and we will contact them.  We are offering generous benefits for an annual rate of 300 Euros for non-members and 250 Euros for members. Thank you for referring sponsors and supporting your club! 

    AWCB Member Communications

    AWCB sends out many types of communications to keep its members informed.  Some are about events, others are about general updates, our newsletter or other official commuications (like General Assemblies).  

    To assist with you with choosing the types of email communications you would like to receive, we have attached a link here to this email preference guide:   

    We also send out communications via Social Media. Our public Facebook page link is:

    Instagram link is here:

    If you would like to be added to the AWCB members only Facebook page, or to out club WhatsApp groups (Bookclub, Hearts, Events and more....) just reach out to Karolina via email at:

    Become AWCB Volunteer

    Choose to enrich the club's philanthropic or social activities on offer, either one would be gratefully appreciated, and make new friends at the same time!  It's your club, help us make it the most meaningful experience possible for you and other members!  

    We always need help with communications, especially help in writing our newsletter, website updates, events planning and organization, and many other simple administrative and operational tasks - every little bit helps. Please contact us if you are interested. Thank you in advance and we look forward to hearing from you!

    AWCB Member Directory

    Have you met someone at a club and want to get in touch? Just log into our AWCB website and AWCB Community and then Member Directory and you can find the contact details of all members who have opted in to share their information. You must login to see information and you can change your own information and visibility by updating your profile.  Please make sure your birthday is included in your profile so we can invite to our club birthday party events! 

    AWCB Bulletin Board

    While you are on the website, make sure you visit our Club Bulletin Board where you can announce something special, announce something for sale or to give away for free, mention an event you will go to, or ask for help or advice. Click here to see the AWCB Club Bulletin Board 

     Get the App for our club calendar 

    And view events on your phone! 

    All welcome

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    Avenue Louise 489 /7A · Bruxelles 1050 · Belgium
