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The American Women's Club of Brussels

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AWCB Building Stronger Ties With AmCham and the US Embassy

02 Oct 2022 13:42 | Deleted user

Due to the club's focus on finding new sponsors and building a strong relationship with the US Embassy, on the 29th of September, AWCB President Lorraine de Bock and VP1 Jan Allen attended the AmCham Gala Dinner at the Africa Palace in Tervuren. It was a lovely event and location with several hundred attendees. Club member Rhonda Ocha also attended the event and assisted with the networking which was very fruitful! 

We met the Ambassador and his wife Judith, who was very friendly and interested to get involved with our club after learning about our historic background and the many years we had a close liaison with the US Embassy.  Jan was already working on building stronger ties with the US Embassy with one of the Ambassador's Attachés who attended the Whiskey Tasting event in May earlier this year. We hope to have an update to share in next month's newsletter about some future plans with the US Embassy and will keep members posted on how this develops. 

Lorraine, Jan and Rhonda also spoke to several companies who were interested to learn more about sponsorship of the club, as well as several women who were interested to join our club - and a few already did including (Duyen We )are looking forward to welcome more members and sponsors as a follow on from this event!

Through the event we made two new members that we met at AmCham and joined .

American Women’s Club of Brussels

Mailing Address:
Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)

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