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The American Women's Club of Brussels

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AWCB Annual General Meeting Highlights

02 Oct 2022 14:19 | Deleted user

It was great to see so many members at the Annual General Assembly on September 27th at the beautiful Prince Albert Club which is located centrally in Brussels between the Royal Palace and the Petite Sablon. 

President Lorraine de Bock opened the event and reviewed the wide variety of virtual and in person social and philanthropical events we had over the last year, as well as a view of all the exciting things we have planned for the upcoming year.

Treasurer Kristen Crosson then reviewed the complex financials for 2021 due to the sale of the clubhouse and liquidation of The Gift Boutique.  Following on, the proposed changes and legal updates to the Statutes wer reviewed by VP1 Jan Allen.

There were a lot of good questions and discussion over the financials and proposed statute changes. We are happy to report that all of the items up for vote were passed with an overwhelming majority. The minutes with full details of the meeting and a list of follow up actions will be circulated to members later this week. 

After the AGA we had a cava and a lovely 3 course lunch in the private dining room of the Prince Albert club.

See more images on our AWCB Facebook Group

American Women’s Club of Brussels

Mailing Address:
Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)

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