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Spotlight on Philanthropy: FAWCO Fundraiser Luncheon

03 Apr 2023 19:28 | Deleted user

The proceeds of our FAWCO fundraiser luncheon this past February will be donated and matched which will double our donation to The FAWCO Target Project 5, Awesome Blossoms. 

Awesome Blossoms, Edible Fresh Fields for Sustainable Life in the Slums, an Urban Farming Project, is an initiative taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit the negative impacts of climate change in the Mathare slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Target Project 5 will be a model of environmental stewardship by women living in the harshest conditions. The women from Awesome Blossoms will demonstrate that people living in the slums are not victims, but by working together, they can protect their environment, withstand climate change, produce safe foods, and create independence and security. 

Learn more about the FAWCO Awesome Blossoms Campaign

American Women’s Club of Brussels

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Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

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