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The American Women's Club of Brussels

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  • 26 Apr 2022 13:04 | Deleted user

    On April 24th AWCB families got together for an afternoon of fun at the Interactive Science Museum Adventure @ Technopolis. The museum is a wonderful place for children to discover science, technology and the wonders of the world. This was a perfect way for everyone to explore the museum, and also socialize over lunch. See the photos below.

    Look for more family events with the AWCB.

  • 26 Apr 2022 12:45 | Deleted user

    FAWCO Update

    The American Women's Club of Brussels (AWCB) is proud to be a member of the Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas (FAWCO), an international network of 64 clubs in 34 countries around the world. FAWCO is a global women’s NGO (non-governmental organization), and since 1997, FAWCO has held special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. Each member of a FAWCO member club such as AWCB is automatically a member of FAWCO and is eligible to serve on committees, participate in conferences and meetings, and take part in activities.

    Upcoming FAWCO Events

    Spotlight on FAWCO Annual Conference in Luxembourg

    Celebrate FAWCO, Fun and Friendships - In Person in Luxembourg

    Part 2 of the Annual General Meeting will take place in Luxembourg, May 19-21, 2022 in Luxembourg. The Agenda will feature the Club Development Workshops, the opportunity to meet and learn more about our FAWCO Teams and Volunteers at a Face2Face.

    AWCB Members can get information and sign up via the FAWCO website (login required)

    Find out more


    FAWCO's Environment Team is the Second Annual Environment Festival — virtual meeting

    FAWCO’s Environment Team warmly invites you to our second, virtual Environment Festival on Saturday, May 07, 2022, 16:00-19:00

    The Environment Festival will be a celebration of Mother Nature. Join us for an assortment of one hour sessions on Hopin, sharing wonderful initiatives and providing information on:

    • Protecting native pollinators;
    • Circular economy ideas, such as recycling of sari fabrics, vintage clothes sales;
    • How to initiate your Club’s Green Team;
    • Climate justice;
    • and a Target Project Environment (TP 5.0) Workshop.

    Find out more


    Global Issues Book Discussion hosted by the Health Team - virtual meeting

    In The Shadow of The Mountain: A Memoir of Courage
    By Silvia Vasquez-Lavado
    Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 19:00-20:30

    Please join the Health Team as we welcome the Author Silvia Vasquez-Lavado to discuss her book that transects the FAWCO Global Issues.

    Silvia Vasquez-Lavado is a Peruvian-American who conquered the Seven Summits that mountaineers strive to achieve. Truly remarkable about her achievement is how her courage took her from a sexually abused child in Lima, to the heights of a Silicon Valley career and finally to the top of the world with feats of physical and mental strength. Silvia's achievements are inspiring for all who fear they can not overcome. Her achievements are long, her courage is endless and her compassion is inspiring.

    Save the date and start reading! Registration for the event will be added closer to June 15.


    FAWCO First Friday is Here !

    You are invited to join Michelle and Heather every first Friday of the month for a "FAWCO First Friday" info session from 11:30 - 12:30, where they will give you the latest updates on FAWCO news and events. There is so much going on with FAWCO, don't miss it!

    Next session is Friday, May 6

    Register Online

  • 26 Apr 2022 11:29 | Deleted user

    Tax Season is here. Remember to file your income taxes! The U.S. Embassy would like to remind U.S. citizens that they are required to file their federal income taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by April 18, 2022.  If you are a U.S. citizen or resident alien living or traveling outside the United States, you generally are required to file income tax returns, estate tax returns, and gift tax returns, and pay estimated tax in the same way as those residing in the United States.  Your worldwide income is subject to U.S. income tax, regardless of where you reside. 

    Please visit the IRS website for U.S. taxpayers living abroad. Links to further IRS guidance are available on the Federal Benefits and Obligations page on

    Assistance at U.S. Embassy in Belgium
    27 Boulevard du Regent/Regentlaan, 1000 Brussels.
    Tel. +32-2-811-4000, 08:00 am - 05:00 pm Monday through Friday, except U.S. and Belgian holidays.

    Need help with your taxes? You may wish to contact CGC Partner Mir Tax

  • 25 Apr 2022 09:56 | Deleted user

    A « Vestiaire Solidaire » ( solidarity dressing room) has been set up in Rhode-Saint-Genese where refugees from Ukraine can come and collect clothes, shoes, hygiene products, baby clothes and equipment.

    At this point we have received enough clothes and baby things, toys…

    But we are still looking for:

    • Shoes for men, women and children, mostly everyday sport shoes.
    • Hand bags
    • Back packs
    • Satchel, school bags
    • Men underwear new
    • Hygiene products: soap, period protections…

    Any donation must be clean and in good condition.

    Donations can be delivered at Wauterbos, 3, 1640 Rhode-Saint-Genese (in the basement of Cultural Center, easy to park),


    • Wednesday from 2pm till 5pm
    • Friday from 10am till 1pm
    • Saturday from 2pm till 5 pm
  • 25 Apr 2022 09:41 | Deleted user

    The donation drive for Ukrainian refugees is still going strong. AWCB has collected hundreds of donations and we can continue to do so. They are being delivered to the Brussels Expo Hall and to an organization at SHAPE called Together for Refugees. If you would like to make a contribution, please contact any of the following ladies in your area.

    Below are some photos from volunteers Michelle Angelone and Julie Kmet from some of the many drop offs they have done for the club. Thank you for Michelle and Julie - and our generous members for all your donations which are doing so much good!

  • 31 Mar 2022 10:08 | Deleted user

    We are so pleased to give this uplifting update about our charity drive efforts for Ukrainian refugees - so far we have been able to fill 10 pallets of supplies and supported over 92 families with the items donated by AWCB members! We are always impressed by the generosity of AWCB members and sincerely thank you for everything you've done! Special thanks from the board also to our member Michelle Angelone who mobilized our effort, as well as members Nicole Wilder, Lindsay Clark and Julie Kmet who are all collecting items at their homes, which are then dropped off each week at the help centers - you ladies are amazing and we sincerely appreciate your big hearts!

  • 31 Mar 2022 10:04 | Deleted user

    Never leave a door unopened  (the title of Tharien’s presentation and her life motto)

    On March 21st AWCB Members had a presentation from Dr. Tharien van Eck. The intensity with which Tharien described her experiences and feelings in life was very touching. She showed us photos of her family and different stages of her life.

    She spoke to us about her childhood growing up in South Africa and the impact that her parents had in her life. They encouraged her to be anything she wanted to be.

    She spoke about times that were very challenging and how she never gave up.

    In the late 1980’s Although she never got to meet Nelson Mandela, Tharien was in charge of giving a daily report on Nelson Mandela’s medical condition in Cape Town. He was someone she really admired and would of liked to meet.

    She also talked about meeting Desmond Tutu.

    In May 2004 she relocated to Antwerp with her husband and children to become the Medical director for Johnson & Johnson. The move was a big adjustment for the family. She traveled to many countries and had many new experiences which have given many wonderful memories.

    After retiring in 2017 she joined the AWCA and in 2019 became the Fawco Target Program Chair.

    The highlights of her career are the times she supported the South African government with Nelson Mandela and being the Fawco Target Program Chair.

    She’s very proud of her husband and children and is grateful for all of their support.

  • 30 Mar 2022 09:49 | Deleted user

    Once a month, you are invited to join our evening Reading Group get-together, to discuss the book-of-the-month, which is written by an American or Canadian author. We meet in the Brussels area, on the second Wednesday of the month, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

    We often share a meal together while sharing views on the book-of-the-month! And also, info about good reads we have enjoyed. All contributions to the conversation are welcome!

    Interested in participating? Please contact Geneviève Bergiers: | 02 660 57 65

    Once the location is decided (always in the Brussels area), Genevieve will notify you.


    April's BookChristine HUTTIN will present the book “THE ALIGNMENT PROBLEM - Machine Learning and Human Values written by Brian CHRISTIAN.  This book will be available at FILIGRANES. 

  • 15 Mar 2022 08:53 | Deleted user

    We have received a lot of requests and questions about how we can help the Ukrainian refugees that are coming into Belgium. We will be partnering with centers in Brussels and Antwerp to provide items to those coming in. 

    The latest information that we have received is that Belgium is planning to receive up to 300,000 men, women and children! Some of those that have come recently are arriving with nothing more than the clothes on their backs and have babies that are only a few days old. 

    Below is a list of items that have been requested by the shelters and facilities that we have been in contact with. 

    • Shower Gel for Adults & Babies
    • Shampoo & Conditioner
    • Toothbrushes for Adults & Children
    • Toothpaste
    • Combs and Brushes
    • Deodorant
    • Wash clothes
    • Q-Tips and Cotton Balls
    • Nail Clippers
    • Disposable razors
    • Underwear (new) for Men and Women (all sizes XS - XL)
    • Underwear (new) for boys and girls
    • Socks for men, women and children
    • Sanitary pads and panty liners
    • Breast pads for nursing
    • Pampers (all sizes) and wet wipes
    • Baby balm and butt cream
    • Baby food (2-3 month future expiry dates)

    We are coordinating drop offs in the following locations and there will be a transport to the facilities each Thursday: 

    • Brussels/Ixelles: Lindsay Clark +32 472 88 77 03
    • Waterloo: Nicole Wilder +32 472 62 88 09
    • Kraainem: Julie Kmet +32 491 20 14 39
    • Schoten: Michelle Angelone +32 470 84 82 33

    If you have any questions, please reach out to

    We thank you for all of the support and any donations you are able to give. 

  • 26 Feb 2022 09:33 | Deleted user

    LUNAFEST 2022 – April 8, 2022

    LUNAFEST® is back! This year’s films, running a total of 80 minutes, are a mix of narrative, animation and documentary short films by women and about women. LUNAFEST presents a fun opportunity to view unique films, support women in film and raise funds for the next FAWCO Target Project. FAUSA’s 2022 LUNAFEST will begin at 1:00 PM US EDT/7 PM CET on April 8, with 48 hours to start watching and 48 hours to finish viewing after activation. Tickets are $20 for FAUSA/FAWCO members and $25 for non-members, and we encourage donors to gift tickets and become super-supporters at higher levels.

    Find details HERE and purchase tickets HERE.

    Contact Therese at with questions.

American Women’s Club of Brussels

Mailing Address:
Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)

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