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  • 25 Feb 2022 17:47 | Deleted user

    Read all about upcoming FAWCO events, discover their magazine and learn about some of their grants programs. There is so much going on with FAWCO this Spring!

    Upcoming FAWCO Events

    UN Commission on the Status of Women and NGO CSW Forum

    The UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) will take place March 14–25. The priority theme is “Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programs.” FAWCO will not have an in-person delegation to CSW66, but most official CSW66 sessions will be live-streamed on UN Web TV. The annual NGO CSW Forum will take place virtually March 12–24. FAWCO members can register for the NGO CSW66 Forum and participate in online events related to the CSW66 theme organized by and for NGO activists and advocates. For more information on CSW66, contact

    March 7 CSW Orientation #2: What’s at stake? We’ll review the critical issues of gender justice and climate justice addressed in the CSW66 Priority Theme: “The achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change,

    environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programs.” We’ll learn about the impacts of climate change on women and girls, and how to promote and protect the right of all women and girls to a healthy environment from FAWCO members who participated in COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021.

    International Days to be aware of:

    • March 1 UN AIDS Zero Discrimination Day
    • March 8 International Women’s Day
    • March 21 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

    Did you know, FAWCO has it's own magazine

    Out Now! Inspiring Women’s First Issue of 2022

    “Women and the Environment”

    Of all the existential questions challenging the world today, the fate of our planet is “The One.” We must take care of it. If not, there’s not much point to anything else! This Environment issue introduces you to the women in FAWCO Clubs who have been supporting the effort to keep the earth alive. Our goal in this issue is to not only inform you but to inspire you to act.

    FAWCO Clubs in Motion is the place to move!

    And AWCB's activities keep us going! We will join our FAWCO sisters and update our walk, bike rides and anything else that gets us moving!

    AWG-LR Beach Babes currently have weekly 6km winter beach walks.

    Munich IWC’s stats are up again: 3223 km for short walks, individual walks, running, cycling, Qi Gong, Yoga, Peloton and Tai Chi exercise class.

    Heidelberg IWC’s Let’s Walk group provides a way for members to meet when they can’t meet indoors.

    AWC Madrid is starting a walking group: in addition to their past participation in charity events, they will support breast cancer research.

    See the full report and more photos and let's get moving!

    2022 FAWCO Youth Cultural Volunteers Program

    Applications open March 1 - AWCB members are FAWCO members

    The destination is Amsterdam for the 2022 FAWCO Youth Cultural Volunteers Program, which aims to promote cultural understanding and raise awareness of global issues in our youth and help them develop into responsible and caring global citizens. High school FAWCO teens (usually aged 15–19) are hosted by FAWCO families for a week, and will experience a new culture while volunteering with local charities.

    The participants will deliver a Group Project (usually a video or presentation) about their experiences and write individual essays reflecting on what they learn. Participants will be able to receive community service credits required by their International Baccalaureate program.

    Dates for this year’s program are June 25–July 2, 2022. Application opens March 1! See more information and a draft itinerary here.

    Couple more reminders.......for March and April

    FAWCO First Friday is Here

    Friday March 4 will be online from 6pm-7pm during the HopIn Social hour- Be sure to register for the conference and join us and catch FAWCO Fever

    2022 FAWCO Interim Meeting Part 1

    March 4-6 – Virtually on HopIn

    Register and find more details HERE

    Education Award and Development Grant

    There is STILL TIME to submit Education Award and Development Grant applications to The FAWCO Foundation, THE DEADLINE is March 27 this year.

    More information at The FAWCO Foundation.

    LUNAFEST 2022 – April 8, 2022
    Buy Tickets HERE

    LUNAFEST® is back! This year’s films, running a total of 80 minutes, are a mix of narrative, animation and documentary short films by women and about women. LUNAFEST presents a fun opportunity to view unique films, support women in film and raise funds for the next FAWCO Target Project. FAUSA’s 2022 LUNAFEST will begin at 1:00 PM US EDT/7 PM CET on April 8, with 48 hours to start watching and 48 hours to finish viewing after activation. Tickets are $20 for FAUSA/FAWCO members and $25 for non-members, and we encourage donors to gift tickets and become super-supporters at higher levels. Find details HERE and purchase tickets HERE. Contact Therese at with questions.

    As always, anytime you have a FAWCO question, email; FAWCO@AWCB.ORG, and let's connect!

  • 25 Feb 2022 17:42 | Deleted user

    On behalf of my daughter, I would like to thank all of the members of the AWCB chapter for generous book donations. This was in support of Amelia for her CAS project with AIS, which was a Book drive to support the English Immersion School in Aywaille. A school destroyed in the great flood of Walloon region.

    As you remember the horrible floods this past July 2021, this school, which sits on the riverfront in Awaille, took on the brunt of the flood. The flood wall for the town gave way right in front of the school. Causing massive damage to the classrooms of the school.

    When the flood water receded, the school was informed the building was insured, but not the contents of the classrooms.

    Upon hearing of the school situation, Amelia, being an avid reader, wanted to help rebuild the school's library. From August of last year till Christmas, she was able to collect over 420 English books for the school library.

    Thank you again for your support of the children of Awaille and Amelia.

  • 25 Feb 2022 15:56 | Deleted user

    Relay for Life: International Community 18-19 June 2022

    Many Americans have either participated in or heard of Relay for Life in the US but did you know that it’s also an international sensation? Each year, teams comprised of people from all over the world gather at St John’s School in Waterloo for the International Community’s Relay for Life. All proceeds raised by the teams go locally to Belgian’s Foundation Against Cancer. The event starts on Saturday afternoon and lasts for 24 hours with individuals from each team dedicated to walking together around a track while different food, games, events, and entertainment are provided by the teams. The American Women’s Club had a team in 2019 and we wanted to see if anyone would like to participate this year and be the team captain again this year? If you are interested, please let us know at: You can find more information on the Relay for Life website and can sign up there also. There is even a special status for our cancer survivors where you have VIP treatment for the event.

  • 25 Feb 2022 15:54 | Deleted user

    Last month we had some wonderful in person events!

    Spotlight on African Museum in Tervuren, February 16th

    A group of members gathered at the recently renovated African Museum in Tervuren in February. The museum explores Belgium’s colonial past as well as the cultural and natural riches of Central Africa. It contains an expansive collection of artefacts and history and is a highlight to any visit to Belgium. A lively discussion took place at the on-site restaurant Bistro Tembo afterwards. If you were not able to attend this time, don’t put off a visit before long!

    The picture below is of members Marianne Hubert and Nancy Evans at the museum.

    Spotlight on Friendship Luncheon, February 13th

    The AWCB Friendship luncheon at restaurant Le Saison in Corroy Le Grande was delightful. It was a pleasure to get together on a Sunday afternoon and enjoy a savory raclette meal among friends in this spacious and charming restaurant. We were happy to make new friends as we had several new members joining us. Thank you Kristen for making cookies for all of us to take home. A great day was had by all! Please find pictures of the events in the shared AWCB pictures drive.

    Spotlight on Wellness, March 10th

    Nutrition and Fitness coaches Magda M. Borys and Liesel Duhon will help AWCB members with new year's resolutions and give tips on how to add healthy foods to our diet, and keep fit to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • 24 Feb 2022 18:23 | Deleted user

    In February we feature our amazing member, Mara Mandera, who loves to join in on so many of our activities, when not travelling between her homes in Brussels and in Capetown, South Africa.    

    Mara, you grew up in Kingston, Jamaica, but your life has taken you around the world – with your home-base here in Brussels since 2006, and a home-base in Cape Town, South Africa, where we are speaking with you now. When growing up in Jamaica, did you ever imagine a life of travel? How did it all come about?

    Well, I was very lucky to meet my German husband in Kingston in 2001, when he was assigned as Ambassador-Head of the EU Delegation to Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, Belize, the Bahamas, Turks & Caicos. We were both members of a walking-running club, exploring the beautiful countryside outside Kingston and – as they say – the rest is history! At the time I was working in the customer service department of a financial institution in Kingston. We married in 2005 and moved permanently to Brussels upon retirement in December 2006.

    Since then, has travel been a part of your lives?

    Yes, we especially enjoy seeing family in Germany, hiking there and in France, and also the Christmas Markets - even the snow, which I didn’t experience in Jamaica! With ‘One World’ trips around- the-world, we’ve been to New Zealand, Chile, Asia, and elsewhere.

    In Cape Town, we live near a wine region, surrounded by beautiful landscape – I am always amazed at how sincere and welcoming South Africans are.

    Every two years I used to travel to Jamaica to see my mother and sister - although I travel less now since Covid arrived. I also enjoyed time in the U.S. - in the Grand Canyon, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and in New York where my aunt lives.

    You are especially appreciative of being a member of the AWCB?

    Yes, members were very welcoming when I first joined the Club. Now, as friends, they always show the American spirit of warmth, openness and community, so I feel very much at home. I also participated in activities in the house – and I continue to value Zoom, here in Cape Town, until we return to Brussels!

    How have you coped with Covid-times?

    We both love to cook. I will admit that finding some Jamaican ingredients is a challenge.

    What do you love about Brussels?

    I love the green outdoors in Brussels and the food. We especially appreciate spending time with Gerd’s daughter and two grandchildren in Brussels, and his son in Paris, who is a translator at the European Space Agency. Life is good and we take advantage of being as positive as possible.


    We enjoyed speaking with Mara. If you would like us to tell your story, contact us.

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